tea for one

I’m obsessed with coffee. There I said it. And by obsessed I mean I drink at least 3 a day, sometimes more very rarely less.

And I’ve never really thought about it as an obsession or addiction until the other day when I was so busy at work I only had time to have one in the morning. By lunchtime I had a headache, by mid afternoon I was jittery & couldn’t focus on anything other than the overwhelming desire to get a fix.

And I never thought the day would come when I would have to make the conscious decision to cut back on my coffee intake. But alas the day, much to my chagrin, has arrived.

As you all know I’m embarking on a healthier lifestyle, & by doing that I’ve had to start making some changes like eliminating fast food & limiting the amount of junk I eat & now it seems reducing the amount of coffee I drink too.

So as a replacement I’ve started to drink green tea, of course it doesn’t even compare to the enjoyment I get out of coffee but I’m hoping one day soon it will.
