9 thoughts on “Progress & Statistics

  1. You are the first blog I have come across that is sharing her weight loss journey with monthly progress calculations. I am excited for you! Thank you for leading by example. Thank you for sharing your journey to inspire others to do the same. We always need more people to join #teamfitness all over the world!

    The more people that have the courage to share their journey, the more people will find the courage from them to do the same and the more healthier the world will become and pass it on to their ~~children~~.

    You are part of a **big picture!**, a big mission of prevention that doctors and personal trainers are trying to accomplish. Doctors and personal trainers that care more about saving lives than making a profit that is…..because unfortunately we have some doctors and trainers who are out there for the money and this can discourage many people who are losing a lot of money and not getting much help and results which causes them to lose motivation that may end up long term.

    Your blog can counteract that because you are taking control of your OWN health and physical progress! And that is what I mean by you leading by example to inspire others to do the same!

    Very good job! Keep it up indeed!

  2. Best of luck on your journey to health ๐Ÿ™‚ It really is the foundation of a happy and fulfilling life.

    I’ve just begun blogging on the topic of health by applying the principle that one should simply construct an environment within which healthy eating and exercise happens automatically. This strategy works very well for me at least. Feel free to stop by and have a look.

  3. Your blog is an inspiration! I am currently about 175lbs and I am working to get down to 155lbs. I’m so glad I came across your blog. It’s been pretty tough trying to change the way I eat and start exercising regularly but now I have some new inspiration to keep me going. Good luck and thank you. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Couldn’t agree with you more about how hard it is to change eating & exercise habits, but I guess all it takes is some time & patience. Good luck, not that you need it because I am sure you will reach your goals ๐Ÿ™‚

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